Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Obsessions!

He is OBSESSED with washing his hands and turning light switches on and off. Repeatedly. If you turn on ANY sink in our house, you will soon hear the thundering hoof beats of Alton as he rounds the corner into any room you are in. He screeches, he reaches and points to the sink. When you lift him up, he will immediately dive bomb into the sink and grab the soap pump. After you tear him away from the sink, he lunges for the light switch. Which must be flipped up and down at least 5 times. (Or his family will die.)

His love for trucks continues. He now will go running into the front room to look out the window as soon as he hears the trash, fire or UPS trucks lumbering down out street.

I had to buy him his own Swiffer. He would pitch a fit if I wouldn't let him do it, and he isn't as thorough as mommy, (don't tell him that though!) so we bought him his own (with a couple of pole sections removed) so he can swiffer alongside mommy.


Katie Scott said...

so cute! i can't wait until chloe can help me clean!!

Random Girl said...

that's a good idea! and i won't have to worry about my TV surviving another broom or swiffer attack!

Charmaine said...

LOL at the lightswitch obsession. Yeah us here too. That and the new Caterpillar toy that Grandma and Grandpa brought him. That makes noise. A lot. Le sigh. Oh well, at least I was at work this evening when Stephen discovered that instead of eating his sandwich for dinner, he had stuffed it into his shirt and had a giant bread inner tube around his belly :)