Sunday, December 30, 2007


I can't imagine not being a mother now. I knew I always wanted to be one, and even in college, I knew I wanted to be a housewife. It is so fulfilling for me and I know that this where God wants me to be.
It's funny, we were talking in our home group about being Godly women and being involved in ministry. I mentioned that I felt badly because I wasn't really contributing to the various ministries at our church. Our worship leader stopped me and said, "God has you just where He wants you. Raising Godly children is one of the most important ministries there is. This is where you are supposed to be in this season of your life." That made me feel so much better.
I know another woman that I went to high school with who recently belittled my existence. "Oh, you're just a stay at home mom?" She is single and does not have any children and I think it is sad that she doesn't get it.


Katie Scott said...

I totally understand what you wrote. I think that for as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a stay at home mom. It is sad that our society as a whole does not value this. But there is nothing better than raising your baby!!!
--Katie Scott

Kayt said...

You know, before I was a mom I never could have comprehended just how much work being a SAHM is. It's completely exhausting! I hate feeling like others judge me as being "just" a mom, but I know that I'm giving my son the best upbringing possible, and what could be better than that??