Friday, December 28, 2007

I miss my home being a haven!

So with the arrival of Christmas and half the contents of a Toys r Us now taking up residence in our living room, there are piles of stuff EVERYWHERE!
Not coincidentally, Travis and I have been squabbling more.
On top of that, Alton is sick with a virus that gave him a fever of 104. We went to the emergency room with that one.
Finally, he is cutting his first tooth as well which means he wakes up crying. Oh, and because of the teething and the fact that he is congested at night means that we have to drive him around for 1/2 an hour to get him to sleep and then Travis carries in his Britax Marathon car seat where he sleeps until he wakes up screaming. :( I have rocked him to sleep every night for the past three nights, but he always wakes up 45 minutes later. Poor baby.

I promise that soon I will post never before seen pictures of his 6 month photo session and Christmas morning.

Oh, and while the house is a mess, I am still reading my daily devotional and vacuuming at least the living room. So there is hope for me to return to my routine soon.

Happy day to all of my readers. :)

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