Sunday, February 4, 2007

Bad Baby!

So ever since I conceived, I have had to go the bathroom at least three times when we go to church. It is only an hour and half long, but still, three times, everytime we go, and at least once during the sermon.
Because of this, we purposedly sit on the end of an aisle so that I can make it to the bathroom without annoying our fellow church goers.
Today though, my girlfriend Maggie, her husband John, and their daughter Hannah were visiting. We made it to church later than usual and there we no aisle seats left. I went directly to the restroom, and then again during the meet and greet time. Our pastor was giving a sermon that I was actually enjoying and I had just been congratulating myself on making it through the sermon when it happened;
KICK! Alton kicked me HARD directly in the bladder.
Travis had his arm around me and felt me jump.
"Are you okay sweetheart?"
"Alton just kicked me in the bladder incredibly hard!"
"I'll see you in a few minutes sweetie."
He let me by and I waded past the other people in our aisle. Bad baby! I have to give him credit though, it was a well timed kick for keeping mommy humble.

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