Monday, June 4, 2007

Alton Update

The lanugo has mostly disappeared, but you'll probably find a bit on his shoulders, arms and legs and in those protected little bodily creases. It will vanish completely on its own in time.
His lungs are maturing and surfactant production is increasing and fully prepared to take on the outside world!
Your baby doesn't have much room to move and certainly mom agrees! Did you imagine 8 months ago that this wee one would be able to hook a toe in your ribs while elbowing your bladder? He certainly has grown!
His body continues laying on the fat stores that will help regulate his body temperature after birth. In addition to normal fat, he is accumulating a special "brown" fat in the nape of his neck, between his shoulders and around organs. Brown fat cells are important for thermogenesis (generating heat) during his first weeks.
Your infant's weight is around 7.25 pounds (3288gm) and length is 19.9 inches (50.7cm).

I am so ready for him to be "Done". He isn't making me overly uncomfortable. Thankfully he has not been playing bongos with my ribs. But I do have the gosh awful heartburn.

When I went to the doctor on Thursday, I was not dilated AT ALL. She said I was about 40% effaced, but to be honest, I think she was being charitable because she knew how disappointed I was about not progressing.

I have been having weird uterus twinges and discomfort "down there". My Bradley teacher assures me this is normal and I am taking it as a sign that things are getting warmed up for the big day.

We asked a couple of couples from our home group to come to the hospital to lay hands on me and pray with us when I go into labor. Dave and Roxanne were one of the couples and they will be in Texas until tomorrow. So Travis would like for me to wait until at least Wednesday to go into labor. Dave was so touched that we would ask him, that Travis is convinced that God won't let me go into labor until Dave can be there.

Travis is going to bring his laptop to the hospital and we got a new digital camera to take fabulous pictures of our new little boy when he arrives, so we should be able to post stuff quickly upon his arrival.

Thank you all for your kind comments. :)

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