Monday, December 29, 2008

He just keeps learning!

Alton now signs "I love you". He does it so emphatically that our hearts melt every time. He will also blow his own nose when he needs to. He just walks up to a kleenex box, grabs a tissue, and blows.

He is also asking to pray when he is ready to eat. My brother Bryan did the same thing at this age. My parents would put food on my brother's high chair try after praying, and he would eat all the meat right away. Then he would "assume the position" for prayer and "pray" for meat. I think it is so funny that Alton does the same kind of thing.


Jenny said...

when cold season comes around I'm going to really wish that Penelope knew how to blow her nose.

Meghan said...

So cute! We all hold hands and sing Johnny Appleseed ("Oh, the Lord's been good to me...") before meals... and at the end, E bows his head and says "Aaaaah - Mehnnn".