Thursday, August 14, 2008

Our day today

Alton and I stayed home today for the most part, but then Lynn called us to go over for a impromptu play date. I packed half a loaf of banana blueberry bread and off we went.

Alton and Julia look like they could be brother and sister. The actually played together today instead of just playing near each other.

I love spending time with Lynn. She and her husband are going through some of same stuff we are, so it is nice to have someone to talk who viscerally understands where you are coming from.

Alton is currently in Alton heaven. It is too hot to cook, so we are having Bowl O' night. Which roughly translated means Bowl of cereal or reheated leftovers.... Alton is having fresh strawberry and blueberry salad and leftover black beans. He is very excited and doing the Alton Shimmey.

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