Saturday, January 10, 2009

HoHoHo! (Again)

So now that Christmas is pretty much wound down, Alton hasn't been saying HoHoHo as much. But when we were at Costco the other day, an older biker dude with a long white beard walked past us to return his cart to the cart corral. Alton saw him and exclaimed "Santa Claus!" I was not moritfied, but worried that the guy would be annoyed because he looked like a hard core Harley rider and I am sure he has had kids calling him Santa forever.

So as I am unloading the cart, the guy walks over to Alton, looks him in the eye in all seriousness, says to him, "Ho Ho Ho!" Alton laughed and smiled at his personal Santa.

It was so sweet, I never would have thought that a burly looking guy like that would have been so nice to a little boy.


heathers243 said...

Awww, what a nice story all around! I've also noticed that the burly motorcycle dudes tend to be ultra nice :)

Harris Family said...

So cute! No one could resist sweet Alton!