Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today the five of us, (Travis, Alton, Lucy, Jack and me) were in the front yard; I was watering plants when Travis came home from work, so we all stayed out there while I watered. Travis was sitting on the grass playing with Alton while making sure Jackson didn't jump over the fence to eat a neighbor's chihuahua. Alton had been standing next to Travis, waving a spade when Alton took a step and a half and landed on Daddy!

A few minutes later when I finished watering I was walking by them with the hose and Alton took 3 steps towards me!

Previously, he has taken 2 or 3 steps at a time between pieces of furniture or whatever, but this was the first time he walked towards his parents!!!

Where did my little baby go?


Katie Scott said...

Wow!! How exciting! Chloe has started rolling from her back to her stomach--I know crawling will be next! I agree--they grow up so fast!!

Kayt said...

What a rockstar! I hope the poor little boogs is feeling better!

Rebecca said...

So cool! Just wanted to leave a comment to let you know I read this :) Hope the stomach flu skipped you!