Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Non-video post

Things have been crazy around the house. As you can see from my video posts, Alton is learning to walk. Eeeeeeeeek! He crawls some, but he get quickly annoyed if we expect him to sit and play with his toys.

I have been keeping the house vacuumed and while I am not keeping the rest of the house as pristine, I am thankful that the office is clean the carpets are vacuumed. Alton's eye is still slightly gooky, but not anywhere near as bad as it once was. Thank God. I prayed and I prayed and I think it is finally almost clear.

I am thinking about selling a bunch of stuff on Ebay, but the thought of spending all of that time getting it all ready to list, and take pictures and write descriptions of it all is too much! But I am sure that Alton will very quickly learn that cupboards open and cupboards contain stuff. Stuff must be played with! NONE of our cupboards have knobs, so I can't just use those child proofing drawer locks. So I really should just list it all and be rid of it.

Travis is still job hunting. Last night he applied for a position in Minnesota! It snows there. I can't even begin to imagine living somewhere with a climate so different from where we are now.

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