He really is in there!
I felt Alton really kick me for the first time today! It wasn't a gas bubble, is it baby or is it gas feeling, it was a real honest to goodness kick! I will try to not feel badly that is was most like the result of having eaten a bar or chocolate about 1/2 an hour before.
Travis and I went to our Bradley make-up session yesterday afternoon. She showed us how to do the exercises that will make it easier to labor and try to keep the baby in the correct delivery position. Travis was a breach baby and almost killed Vicki, so I was glad to learn these exercises! There is one that she told us to do before bed, the pelvic rocking (I think) move. She said it would help move the baby into a more comfy position for sleep and she was right, it really did! I have had a few rough nights before last night, so I was REALLY grateful that these moves worked.